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Naturlig färgning - mat och kläder i ett kretslopp

In this practical inspiration book, plant dyeing takes on new forms. You will learn how you can dye fabric, yarn and clothing in natural fibers in a simple and non-toxic way. The dyes are found in food and in what we would otherwise throw away as tops, kernels and decoctions from, among other things, various vegetables. But dyes can also be extracted from rusty objects such as old nails, useful and colored plants.

The book gives a picture of the history of dyeing and what it looks like today. It contains the basic skills you need to easily get started with home dyeing. In addition to about 20 recipes for different dye baths, there is also a chapter on how to grow your own plants to dye with, such as crab root and weed.

Natural dyeing was first published in 2014 and is now published in a revised edition.

Lina Sofia Lundin is a trained textile artist and educator. She examines color, materials and plants based on a cycle thinking and inspires others with exhibitions, courses and lectures. The work with natural dyeing has taken her on trips in both Europe and Asia. In 2013, she did her degree project at the University of Design and Crafts, where she wrote the Coloring Manifesto. A work that nominated her as a winner in the Nordic Ecolabel art competition Nordic Art Insight on the theme of sustainable consumption.

Naturlig färgning - mat och kläder i ett kretslopp

  • Info about the book

    Author:  Lina Sofia Lundin

    Format:  Bound

    Edition:  11

    ISBN:  9789127151031

    Language:  Swedish

    Number of pages:  128

    Release Date:  2017-03-27

    Publisher:  Nature & Culture

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