The craft team
There are so many creative and artistic people out there! I think it would be Too bad this online store is not used by more people, so I have created something I call the CRAFTS TEAM.
Being part of this team of creative forces means an opportunity to be seen and to be able to sell your works. I know that many people sell their works via Instagram, for example, but then this can be another platform for sales. Being part of the team can hopefully also lead to the creation of collaborations and the emergence of new works.
The craft team must consist of people who create based on a sustainability thinking, who stand behind the ambition to convert to a more sustainable society. The choice of material is important and so is the production. Things must take time and it is important to feel good in their creation.
Eva Allgulander
Eva lives and works on her farm in Kalv. She has a farm shop where she sells Ammamossens Gårdsprodukter. She also has an online store where she sells her craft. She knits, paints, sews, felts, etc. A versatile craftsman who is inspired by the nature around the farm. The wool she uses comes from her own sheep.